Sunday, 26 December 2010

The dark side of spiritual teachings

First posted: 17 september 2009

After I wrote the previous post, in Italy, the discussion about religion in our tv programs was hot.
Some days after that, in Friuli Venezia Giulia (a region in North-East of Italy) an eighteen years old girl, of Muslism origins, was killed by her own father. So, you can image how the italian journalists (I don’t know how they can be considered reporters because they very often don’t speak well in their own language and they seem to be “employees” paid by the political and institutional systems, so they’re not free to write what they really think) developed news on this event.
The attorney of Pordenone (the city where this has happened), listening to the declarations of family and her friends, that it was a religious issue and problem that caused the happening of this crime, as well as the age difference, in her relationship with a thirty-one Catholic male (hurt by her father trying to save her from father’s fury).

This isn’t the first case, and surely it will not be the last, in which religion played a very important role in pushing a human being to committ murders
In particular, the Muslim religion, currently, is the first to suffer blaming words due to the fact that some of its followers are somtimes fanatics (that alter the spirit of true and pure spiritual faith): stuffed like turkeys with informations shaped by some religious groups with the  purpose to build a society suitable to their conventional and dogmatic conceptions and strict principles, unable to understand that these informations are completely misunderstood and absent in their sacred text, that is the sacred Koran.
The problem that we should understand is that the Muslims people, like Catholics, often don’t know their religion in a  clear way and they are blinded by misleading interpretations.

All this, including also a tendency, typically Italian, of not acceptance of a different culture, foments and nurtures a kind of racism and hysteria, dangerous, inclined to “attacking” anyone because judged a Moslem, and so, a priori, a fundamentalist.

It’s well known how the media and individual persons often happen and tend to judge and consider a particular type of crime against the law just by referring the crime itself to the religious beliefs and also to the national origins of a persons,as if, for example, a muslim should be always tought to be a fanatic or a lunatic persons because he/she respects the principles and spiritual teachings of the islamic sacred texts and traditions. And here in Italy nowadays arabian persons are blamed for being bad muslims, as if every muslim had to be born in Saudi Arabia or something like that and this fact could imply that he/she is inclined to commit crimes just inspired by his/her beliefs and spiritual, religious faith.
If the same act is committed by an Italian, by nature, is examined regardless of religious faith, recognized as a clinically deviance of a sick person, without connecting the nature of the crime to the dictates of the biblical book of Leviticus or another one.

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