First posted: 25 september 2009
It’s really shocking to know that prostitution exists in our schools and that all are surprised (as if they lived in Wonderland’s reality or Narnia’s realms) to hear or read the daily news.
In nowdays living, the teens often ask for money for sexual favors but the difference between the present and the past is that now they don’t hide this unusual “transaction”, because they think it could be cool or trendy to prove their ability in earning easy money.
When our journalists started to talk about this situation, italian people got upset because they usually like to avoid the problem, close their eyes. They prefer not to listen people who talk about the “performances” of their little “babies” (used to advertising their sexual skills), but, in my opinion, they have to consider that.
Teenagers usually start to offer sexual favours at 11-12 years old (medium average registred statistics), so, they can buy something more, compared to their usual amount of usable money and (unbelievable but true) they’re not ashamed of this because it’s a completely normal thing for them.
For young teens, moms and daddies are not supposed to notice that (as if they were blind, or totally indifferent to the state of things), so, even if they discover the unconvenient truth, they never happen to discuss the problem or face the misbehaviour of their loved “kids”; in most of the cases parents (after knowing this unbearable truth) pretend to neglect it, convincing themselves that their little “angels” could never committ those uneducated, immoral, vulgar acts. So the relationship between crazy chicks and their parents usually is surrounded by a useless veil of conformism, conventions and unsaid reprovals.
Then, a bizarre and idiot thing (recurrent in Italy) is that the media, the public opinion, etc criticize and blame customs, habits, social routines of other foreign countries (for example attacking nations such as the States, taken as the main reference of a country whose model and paradigm spread and diffuse bad habits, trends etc); this is the common way to skip the truth of the real facts and to create a sort of general catharsis by naming a public enemy (symbolized by foreign countries habits and customs) to defeat in order to preserve the integrity of our own country moral and ethical principles.
Today in Italy (that is the specular product of the so-called “Berlusconi’s “age”, that promotes a sort of self made Italic prototype of ideal citizen, moulded by the gods of consumerism, money addiction, simulacra of power, greed, superficial appearence and self regulated market operations, homemade and irrational, directionless) sex is still a taboo: in the familiar context it’s very difficult to talk about it, according to parents opinion, it’s an ashamed topic, at school sexual education is ridiculous because, like at home, teachers aren’t prepared to have a mature speak with their students. Another very bad thing is that many guys don’t want, absolutely, have a virgin girl because, in their opinion, she requires too much affection and care, and, so, girls now aren’t interested about who to sleep with (they just do the thing by removing their rational control and their moral principles, in a sort of self imposed consciousness’ blackout), then if they’re paid them it’s obvious that they should feel smart because they had a monetary income.
We also have to consider how our society is currently set on the competition basis, whether sexual oriented or not is largely irrelevant: the girls start to compete with their shool mates or close friends to see who can be the winner in the cycle of exchanging favours for money, and they can also have fun while gaining some coins, so why not to try that? They know the risks of their behaviours, but they believe and pretend to be older than their age as the majority of children/adolescents aim to prove.
Now, let’s concentrate on the “money factor”: we live in consumistic era where, for example, our parents try to spend more than they can afford in order to be able to buy expensive stuff (that would show their economic prosperity as a status symbol of success).
Many families suggest to their kids to attend at universities that tutor and educate students in scientific fields, such as medical business, engineering, economy, marketing etc. This prejudice (about first choice universities and unimportant and underestimated ones) affect humanistics in general, considered to be losers’ universities, due to the fact that the future, eventual jobs obtained through humanistics backgrounds and curricula usually (in my country, Italy) are less paid.
So, they have in mind a sort of equation like:
Scientific Universities = Solid work plus Moneys => Living without worries plus Don’t work much = Ideal Life
I wonder why, in Italy, the number of registered students is quickly decreasing. I also wonder why the guys tend to give this big importance to money, thinking that prostitution (that teens prefer to call “not for free” dating) is one of the easiest, quickest and smartest way to obtain “money spending” customers.
In the end my personal conclusion could be summarized like that: Lolita (not the literary little nymph described and invented by Nabokov) was an “heroine” that played a significant role in the middle class crisis (and the main tragic character in the fall of the intellectual aura of the erudite, academic researchers) and we can say that Lolitas nowadays still exist, with the evident difference that they belong to the the dangerous process of degradation and moral collapse which are submerging the intimate patterns of our society.
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